About Money Knack

Money Knack is a personal finance resource aimed to provide information on how to be on top of your budget and reach your financial goals. We strive to write in an easy-to-understand way that is highly practical and comfortingly judgmental. Get a knack for making money, saving money, investing, and managing your finances.

How Money Knack Can Help You?

It's impossible to give professional financial advice that will work for everyone because each situation is different. But we can offer you information that may help you create financial security for yourself and your family. Money Knack can teach you to create a budget, give direction for starting an emergency fund, show you ways to save money, and give pointers on how to start investing.

About the Author

It's customary for personal finance sites to inform their readers about how the author paid off large loans and mortgages and turned a negative net worth into a positive. Hi. I'm Dmitry, the author of this blog, and I've done all of that. But so have millions of Americans. I believe that virtually anyone can turn their financial goals into financial reality.

Money management is a skill we develop and learn over time. We just need some discipline and access to accurate information that is presented in digestible form. My goal is to post easy-to-understand financial information on this blog that won't be intimidating to anyone. I hope you will become a regular reader.

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