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How to Make Money in the Metaverse?

How to Make Money in the Metaverse?

August 2022

Be it the real world or a virtual one - people require goods, services, and experiences. And if there is a demand for something, there are ways to make money.
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Health Savings Account (HSA): Become Financially Healthier

Health Savings Account (HSA): Become Financially Healthier

August 2022

HSA is an extraordinary saving tool but its benefits are often overlooked and are rarely discussed as a part of a financial strategy for building personal wealth. This article will explain how HSA works and when contributing to an HSA makes sense.
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Acorns Review: Micro Investing App

Acorns Review: Micro Investing App

August 2022

Acorns is an investing app that automates saving and investing in the stock market. The app has several features with the main purpose of simplifying investing by employing the set-it-and-forget-it strategy.
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Budgeting 101: What is a Budget and How to Start Budgeting

Budgeting 101: What is a Budget and How to Start Budgeting

August 2022

Knowing how to create a budget is an important money skill that everyone should have. When you learn how to make a budget and understand the importance of sticking to it, you take control of your money rather than letting your money control you.
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Cheap and Fun Hobbies To Pick Up

Cheap and Fun Hobbies To Pick Up

July 2022

Some hobbies come with initial costs and ongoing maintenance expenses. When those costs start to pile up, the fun of a pastime quickly becomes a financial burden. If you are looking for cheap hobbies to get into that won't break the bank, you are in the right place.
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Compound Interest: The Magical Power of Compounding

Compound Interest: The Magical Power of Compounding

July 2022

Compound interest (or compounding interest) is a concept that is simple to understand but its incredible, almost magical power is not obvious to everyone. This article will explain how compound interest works and demonstrate why the amount of time you stay invested is as important as the amount of invested money.
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Emotional Investing Can Cost You: What It is and How to Avoid It

Emotional Investing Can Cost You: What It is and How to Avoid It

July 2022

Some investors lose money because of bad investments. But many lose money because of poor market-timing decisions that are driven by emotions. Let's try to understand emotional investment psychology and learn how to take emotion out of the investment to prevent costly decisions.
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What's the Difference Between a Mutual Fund and an ETF?

What's the Difference Between a Mutual Fund and an ETF?

June 2022

ETFs (Exchange-traded funds) are very similar in many respects to mutual funds, but they are some key differences. Let's compare these two types of funds and see how they differ.
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Why Mutual Funds and ETFs are Considered Less Risky than Stocks?

Why Mutual Funds and ETFs are Considered Less Risky than Stocks?

June 2022

Mutual funds and ETFs are recommended to investors who are just starting out as a less risky way of investing in the stock market than investing in individual stocks. Let's see the differences between mutual funds, ETFs, and stocks and why some of these investments may be safer than others.
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Useless Purchases You Should Stop Making

Useless Purchases You Should Stop Making

June 2022

Every day we are persuaded by advertisements or peer pressured into doing or buying something. We are rarely convinced, but sometimes we are, and spend money on things that we think matter but are actually useless. Here is a list of some of them.
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