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What to Do With a Tax Refund

What to Do With a Tax Refund

December 2022

It's tax season, and as the anticipation of a refund starts to build, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement of all the potential ways you could spend that extra cash. But before you start indulging in frivolous expenses, explore the psychological phenomenon of mental accounting.
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How to Start Investing

How to Start Investing

December 2022

Many people believe that investing is only for the wealthy or those with financial expertise. In reality, anyone with the desire to learn and a willingness to accept some level of risk can take advantage of the potential for building wealth through investing.
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How Is Cryptocurrency Taxed?

How Is Cryptocurrency Taxed?

December 2022

The buzzwords "decentralized" and "centralized" finance have taken on new meanings, as the rise of cryptocurrency has transformed how we think about money. But no matter which type of finance you're using, the one thing remains constant - the need to pay taxes. Let's cover when you need to pay taxes on your crypto, what types of transactions trigger a tax event, and how to calculate the amount of tax you owe.
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Developing Your Investment Strategy

Developing Your Investment Strategy

December 2022

Investing is not about outsmarting the market or timing your trades perfectly. It's about having a well-thought-out investment strategy based on a solid understanding of your financial goals and risk tolerance. In this article, we'll explore the importance of developing a sound investment strategy and how to avoid the pitfalls of speculation and market timing, which are common mistakes that novice investors make.
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How to Rebuild Credit

How to Rebuild Credit

December 2022

People find themselves in a position where they need to repair their credit due to financial mistakes or unexpected life events. With some knowledge and perseverance, you can regain control of your credit and improve your credit scores. In this article, we will offer tips and strategies for rebuilding your credit.
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Should You Prepare Your Investment Portfolio for a Recession?

Should You Prepare Your Investment Portfolio for a Recession?

December 2022

As the news of a potential recession continues to dominate headlines and social media feeds, it's natural for investors to feel concerned about the potential impact on their portfolios. In this article, we'll go over how to navigate recessions and consider the factors investors should consider when facing uncertain times.
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Can You Pay off a Credit Card With Another Credit Card?

Can You Pay off a Credit Card With Another Credit Card?

December 2022

The short answer is - kind of. You can't pay off a credit card with another credit card directly. However, paying off a credit card with another card can be achieved by adding an extra step. It's possible to take cash advance from one credit card and use it to pay the balance on another credit card.
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Ways to Cut Your Heating Costs This Winter

Ways to Cut Your Heating Costs This Winter

December 2022

Are you tired of sky-high energy bills that make you want to hibernate until spring? Fear not, fellow cold-blooded creature! We've put together a list of simple and effective ways to cut your heating costs this winter, so you can stay warm and cozy without burning your money.
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How to Build Your Credit From Scratch

How to Build Your Credit From Scratch

December 2022

Welcome to the Catch-22 of the credit world - you need credit to get credit, but you can't get credit without credit. It's a confusing and frustrating cycle, but fear not - there are ways to break free and establish that all-important credit history. Read on for tips and tricks to jumpstart your credit journey.
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What Is Credit Card Churning and Is It Worth It?

What Is Credit Card Churning and Is It Worth It?

December 2022

Credit card churning is the practice of repeatedly opening and closing credit cards to earn sign-up bonuses. Now that you have an idea of what credit card churning is, let's see how it works in practice and whether it's worth it.
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