Tips for making informed spending choices and getting the most value for your money.

The Difference Between Needs and Wants
June 2023
The fundamental difference between needs and wants is that needs are regarded as necessary for survival and well-being, and everything else is a want. In real life, of course, the distinction is more intricate. Let's explore the distinction between needs and wants and aim to identify their boundaries.
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What Is Lifestyle Creep and How Can You Prevent It
February 2023
Have you ever noticed that the more money you make, the more you tend to spend? This phenomenon, known as lifestyle creep, can derail your financial dreams and prevent you from achieving long-term financial stability. Let's explore what lifestyle creep is and how it can be prevented.
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Cheap and Fun Hobbies To Pick Up
July 2022
Some hobbies come with initial costs and ongoing maintenance expenses. When those costs start to pile up, the fun of a pastime quickly becomes a financial burden. If you are looking for cheap hobbies to get into that won't break the bank, you are in the right place.
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Useless Purchases You Should Stop Making
June 2022
Every day we are persuaded by advertisements or peer pressured into doing or buying something. We are rarely convinced, but sometimes we are, and spend money on things that we think matter but are actually useless. Here is a list of some of them.
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How to Stop Wasting Money: Ways to Trick Yourself into Spending Less
June 2022
We don't always have enough willpower to stick with the budget or don't realize that we spend too much money on things we don't need and could easily live without. Here are a few tricks that will help you stop wasting money and accelerate your savings.
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How To Write a Check: Step by Step Instructions
June 2022
Paper checks will be extinct sooner or later. But they are not obsolete yet, and you may find yourself in a situation where you need to write one. Here is a step-by-step guide for writing a check.
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Signs You're Living Beyond Your Means, Even If You Don't Think So
May 2022
You may think that you would live above your means only if you spend more money than you earn. But even if you can pay all your bills on time and have some spending money left for something indulgent - you may still live beyond your means.
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