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Strategies to Advance Your Career and Income
January 2025
This article is based on insights from over 400 interviews featured in the Millionaire Interviews section of ESI Money. This series highlights real people sharing how they advanced their careers to achieve financial success.
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The $50 Buffalo Tribute Proof: Shiny Marketing, Thin Value
December 2024
The $50 Buffalo Tribute Proof shines brightly in ads, but is there real value beneath its thin layer of gold and clever marketing, or is it simply a glittering illusion of an investment?
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Money Knack's Monthly Money-Saving Challenges for Lasting Savings Success
December 2023
Welcome to Money Knack's monthly money-saving challenges. These aren't just quick fixes for temporary savings - they're about developing habits for long-term financial health. Each challenge is straightforward and effective, showing you how to save money now while teaching skills that pay off down the line.
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Last-Minute Tax Tips to Save Money This Year
November 2023
Tax season often sneaks up on us, with many of us only beginning to think about taxes when deadlines loom. It's understandable - taxes aren't exactly a favorite topic for most. However, addressing tax matters ahead of time can be significantly beneficial.
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Tempting Offers, Hidden Dangers: Spotting Red Flags in Investments
August 2023
Would you like an investment opportunity that offers a guaranteed 50% return every week with absolutely no risk? Me, too. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a risk-free investment, and those who try to convince you otherwise are most likely after your money. Let's see why this is the case and learn about the tricks fraudsters use to part unsuspecting individuals from their hard-earned money.
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Budgeting Tips That Actually Work in Real Life
July 2023
Ready to turn your money mess into a fiscal success? Dive into our practical budgeting tips that won't just work on paper, but in the hustle and bustle of real life.
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Budgeting When You Don't Make Enough
July 2023
Budgeting on a low income follows the same fundamental principles as budgeting at any income level. However, specific money management strategies can empower low-income earners to create a sustainable financial plan, avoid debt and break free from the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle. Let's explore what this means.
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How to Set Your Financial Goals
June 2023
Money-saving efforts often fail because people lack clear goals and actionable plans to stay motivated. Saving money shouldn't feel like an obligation or something you do just because you are supposed to. Learn why you should save and how you can maximize your financial potential by setting goals.
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The Difference Between Needs and Wants
June 2023
The fundamental difference between needs and wants is that needs are regarded as necessary for survival and well-being, and everything else is a want. In real life, of course, the distinction is more intricate. Let's explore the distinction between needs and wants and aim to identify their boundaries.
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Where to Put Your Emergency Fund
April 2023
So, you understand the importance of having an emergency fund, and you're wondering what is the best place to keep it. And that's what we're going to explore in this article.
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How Likely Are You to Get Audited by the IRS?
April 2023
Every year, taxpayers across the United States face a common fear: the possibility of being audited by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Let's take a closer look at the factors that affect your chances of being audited and what you can do to minimize your risk.
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Investing Myths Impeding Your Financial Goals
March 2023
Are you holding back from investing due to myths and misconceptions? Don't let these beliefs impede your financial goals. In this article, we'll debunk some common investing myths that may be preventing you from taking advantage of the opportunities the stock market offers.
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